The lining which is silk charmeuse backed with fusible Prosheer interfacing and it feels like a dream. The zipper is a nice sparkle of color and it zips super smooth like a high-end jacket zipper.
I love it, a good leather jacket is worth every minute of work!
I am also now going along with the whole Blog loving thing, so please update your links with the icon on the right. The only thing that irritates me is the ads that you can't avoid on the viewer. I strongly resist and detest advertising!! I am considering moving to Wordpress, but not sure yet. That is time that I would just rather spend sewing.
I am also now going along with the whole Blog loving thing, so please update your links with the icon on the right. The only thing that irritates me is the ads that you can't avoid on the viewer. I strongly resist and detest advertising!! I am considering moving to Wordpress, but not sure yet. That is time that I would just rather spend sewing.