Sewing progresses on the fall wardrobe.

I am progressing on the jacket. I see from the picture on the left that the first thing I need to do is clean my mirror and get a better camera! The waist pleats are super easy to sew and the pieces fit together perfectly. I will say, the drawing of the patterns seems to exagerate the angle of the inset a little. I may see if that can be fiddled with a little, but not much. I am so tickled with the fit right out of the envelop.
I only added an inch to the sleeves and they seem perfect. I traced 1" SA's on the sides of the sleeves, giving me and extra 2" in the sleeves which I find that I need.

Next, I need to add the facing and collar. OK, It would have been nice if Marfy had included a complete front facing and lining! The only facing included is the lapel facing at the bottom of the picture so I grabbed the stay (underlining) for the inset and the lower front.
I really should have made the lining front before I put that sleeve on... now I have made it difficult!
I should be able to get the collar and lining taken care of this weekend, and get pictures of that jersey dress that I have almost finished. Maybe even a skirt!