I spent most of my weekend nursing a sinus infection. by that I mean sitting on the couch playing with my laptop and avoiding housework.
I did go out once on Sunday and since I had to go to the grocery store I insisted on running by Hancock's and grabbing this pattern (Vogue 1167):
Fabulous fabric should be coming from EOS on Wednesday.
Anyway, my big reality check is that May starts in a couple of weeks, then comes June. What happens in June is that I turn 40!
How am I going to celebrate you ask...
So many options: London, Paris or New York City?
Actually, I am going to Iowa, Des Moines Iowa. What is the occasion you ask... My stepson is getting married again. He can't get married in some exotic location like HI where he lived for a couple of years, he has to get married in Iowa!
So, what does the step mother of the groom wear to a 4th wedding in Iowa?