After many, many hours of snooping and ogling I finally actually ordered some tweed. I was pleasantly surprised. For some reason good customer service still surprises me...
I ordered 3 pieces at 2 meters each on a Wednesday afternoon, and I had my lovelies by Monday! I can order from 1,000 miles away and not get it that fast! I had an email confirmation by Thursday morning (order #180!), I politely inquired about my tracking number (which they politely sent) and I received my package Monday!

Now the hard part, finding something young to do with it...
The black and white (in the background of the swatches) is about 50/50 silk and cotton so it easily transforms into this dress http://voguepatterns.mccall.com/v8739-products-14177.php?page_id=865 V8739. I would like to add a collar, we will see how it goes...
My favorite of the 3 fabrics is the red/tan one seen here:
http://www.lintondirect.co.uk/component/virtuemartpage=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=489&category_id=1 is my favorite and I will wait for this fall to decide what it wants me to turn it into.
My favorite of the 3 fabrics is the red/tan one seen here:
http://www.lintondirect.co.uk/component/virtuemartpage=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=489&category_id=1 is my favorite and I will wait for this fall to decide what it wants me to turn it into.